Question: how to claim a refund of a tax withholding from gambling winnings in the US?
The information below applies to Canadian residents who are not US citizens & are not US residents:
Gambling winnings from US are not taxable in Canada under Tax-treaty. So you do not have to report this type income in Canadian tax return, and do not claim a deduction or credit of this Tax withholding neither. But Gambling winnings are totally taxable in the US, usually subject to 30% withholding tax with payer issuing Form W-2G or Form1042-S, shows how much amount being holding in Federal Tax or States Tax if applicable . You may get recovery some or all of the tax. In order to get a refund, Canadian Residents must file a US tax return Form 1040NR & schedule NEC. Instructions for the Form 1040NR:
If you do not already have an individual Tax Payer identification Number (ITIN), you need to apply for one using Form W-7:
For more information, please send us your request, we are happy to assist you.